Well.... This isn't really a game.

This is a series of scene-building and animation experiments in a program called Decker.

The scenes have been linked together with some bare-bones narration. There's no music, even though it probably needs it. It's about 5 minutes long from start to finish.

Everything was made directly in Decker, which I think is pretty neat.

If you're interested, there's some notes on how it was made at the end. 

Published 2 days ago
StatusOn hold
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
Tagsdecker, Pixel Art


RiddleOfTheTemple-Unlocked.deck 4.3 MB


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that was gorgeous!!!


woahhh... intimidating and atmospheric and educational! and very pretty! and TIL you can just do cardname.widgets["widgetname"] (I've been writing deck.cards["cardname"].widgets["widgetname"] every time.......)


You can also do `cardname.widgets.widgetname` so long as neither the card name nor the widget name contains spaces or punctuation characters!


OHHhhh.... TIL too... [makes notes]


This is really inspiring!


The artwork is fantastic!

Thank you! 😊


This is incredible. Well done.

Thank you so much!


I'm in awe that this was made in Decker. Truly astounding work!


Thank you Air Gong! 🥺

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh wowowow! This is neat! Everything is so gorgeous and the cutscenes look AMAZING!!

Thank you so much for explaining everything so thoroughly in the backstage section! it looked very complicated at first but you made it so clear it now seems attainable :'D

I'm definitely going to revisit this deck to make better use of Decker modules :>

PS. the little mascot reminds me of Kero from Card Captor Sakura hehe :D


My first thought was Beau from Dynamite Headdy. :)


I'm so glad the explanations made it seem less daunting!

(PS. It wasn't on purpose, but I've thought that too... haha)


this is lovely!


Yay! Thank you for checking it out!


This is absolutely fantastic. 10/5. Gorgeous pixel art, dazzling animation effects, and truly superlative interactive documentation that puts mine to shame. Please post about this in the community forum; there's a ton of great information and inspiration in here!


Will do! I'm glad that the backstage notes meet your approval. 😊




Thank you for all of your help 💜